Awards - Hall of Fame

The NASPEs Hall of Fame features past award program recipients and nominations that highlight the innovative practices leadership engages within human resources either with an individual's leader or with a cutting-edge program.


2011 The NASPEs Hall of Fame

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Innovative State Human Resource Management Program

Becoming a Great State to Serve (Georgia)

Communication Award

Customer Service eCampaign (Georgia)
LA Careers Biweekly User Calls (Louisiana) Award of Merit

Oscar B. Jackson, Jr. President's Awards

Neville Kenning, Vice President, State Government Consulting, Hay Group
Jim Farrell, Managing Director, Shared Services & Outstanding Advisory Services, KPMG
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2010 The NASPEs Hall of Fame

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Leadership in State Human Resource Management

Jeff Herring, JD, MBA, SPHR, Executive Director, Utah Human Resource Management

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Innovative State Human Resource Management Program

Worker Compensation Return to Work Program (Washington)

Communications Award

Audio Video Category Winner: Video Governor's Awards for Excellence (North Carolina)
Electronic Category Winner: Layoff Rapid Response - Information for State Classified Employees Placed on Indefinite Layoff (Michigan)
Honorable Mentions: Myth Busters: Debunking Recruitment and Selection Myths (Montana) and NCThinks website (North Carolina)
Print Category Winner: 2009 State Workforce Report (Washington)

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2009 The NASPEs Hall of Fame

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Leadership in State Human Resource Management

Eva Santos, Director, Washington State Department of Personnel

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Innovative State Human Resource Management Program

Voluntary Buyout Program (VBP) (Tennessee)
Shared Resources for State Employees Impacted by Layoff (Washington) Award of Merit

Communications Award

Audio Video Winner: Career Testimonials (Georgia)
Electronic Winner: Employee Self Service Gateway (Utah)
Print Winner: Health Benefits: Nurse Advice Line Postcard (Ohio) submission and Postcard

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